End-of-Life Care
Customized therapeutic support for
THIS part of your journey

Sailing home​
Odyssey End-of-Life Care offers compassionate, therapeutic, customized support to individuals and families navigating the complexities of the end-of-life time - wherever they are on that journey. Our goal, both for the person journeying and for their loved ones, is to make this a Good Death. (For more on what we mean by this, see here.)
Although rooted in the principles of occupational therapy and provided by Kirsti, a NYS-licensed occupational therapist and end-of-life-care provider, services can be as creative and as unique as you - or your family - need them to be.
To help get started, book your free one-hour in person or zoom consultation with Kirsti here.
Each year, Kirsti offers ten 10-hour packages of care at not cost to qualifying families. (For other families, pricing is income based.)

Where should we start?
Your time is precious. Whether you are someone adjusting to a life-limiting diagnosis, or walking alongside someone on their final journey.you are already doing a lot of difficult things.
Let's make this part as easy as we can....
1: a long wandering or voyage usually marked by many changes of fortune
2: an intellectual or spiritual wandering or quest
(Merriam Webster Dictionary)​